Visites d'un élevage d'autruches à Plantes & Plumes

Come and discover ostriches and farm animals with Carole. Your host will introduce you to the ostriches on her farm. You'll be able to follow every stage of the rearing process, from birth to marketing.

Catégorie :

Thème : Agriculture
Type : initiation / discovery during an event
Catégorie : Entertainment/recreation


Portée : Local

Dates & Horaires

From 06/04 to 21/12
Opening hours on Wednesday and Saturday at 10 am and at 3 pm.

En détail

Why visit Plantes & Plumes in Pommiers-Moulons?
The ostrich is not a bird you see every day. It is considered a wild animal and its breeding is governed by strict regulations.
Spend a wonderful day in the company of ostriches at Pommiers-Moulons.
Carole, the breeder, also offers ostrich-related products including soaps, terrines, decorative items, meat, eggs in season and hides.

For more details, please contact Plantes & Plumes.
For groups, other dates can be arranged on request.

Visit free of charge, everyone gives what they want


