• Fête de la Petite Enfance

  • Fête de la Petite Enfance
  • Fête de la Petite Enfance
  • Fête de la Petite Enfance
  • Fête de la Petite Enfance

In 2024, the Relais Petite Enfance (formerly RAM) celebrates its 10th anniversary! To mark the occasion, the RPE, the Chevanceaux MFR and the local professionals who work with families and young children are looking forward to a festive and friendly event on Saturday 25 May.

Catégorie :

Type : Demonstration, Local festival, Forum
Catégorie : Entertainment/recreation


Portée : Local
Nb de participants ou exposants attendus 40 Nb de visiteurs / spectateurs attendus 150

Dates & Horaires

Saturday 25 May 2024 between 9 am and 1 pm.

En détail

We look forward to welcoming you to the MFR premises from 9am for a festive morning of activities for young and old alike (baby readers, baby signers, free motor skills, treasure hunts). Parents will also be able to find out about and meet a range of local professionals and services involved in early childhood and parenting: RPE, Accompagnatrices parentales (physiological baby carrying, baby massage), Midwives (health prevention sexuality contraception), Nursery Assistants, Psychomotrician, PMI, MSA, Pôle Ressources Handicap, La Malle aux Trésors (sale of second-hand baby clothes), Le Moulin Solidaire (support for parenthood, sale of second-hand childcare items)... A cocktail will be offered to families at 12 noon. This project was initiated by the Relais Petite Enfance, and organised in partnership with the 1st Bac Pro SAPAT students from the MFR Service.


